Thursday, 5 December 2013

Review of "Understanding The Misunderstood Genius" By Stephen Cutler

"Understanding The Misunderstood Genius" is the autobiography by Stephen Lawrence Cutler. I thought quite a bit about what I would say. Critiquing someone's autobiography is critiquing someone's assessment of their own life, and that hardly seems fair. So I'll try to be as objective as I can. It made me feel as if I were along for the ride and living the experiences with Stephen. However, things would often veer off (as life itself tends to do) and conversations or situations would pop up seemingly out of nowhere and I'd be left going backwards in the book to see what I had missed. The book itself contain a lot of letters written throughout his past and are used to express a certain feeling at a certain time - Nice touch! But needs editing, can seem clunky at times. Many interesting mini-stories in this book with a collection of photos. You would have to be more connected to the author to enjoy it better. In saying that I discovered the Stephen is a wonderful, kind  and insightful author.



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