Thursday 16 January 2014

Review of Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba's "Bird Of Prey"

"Bird Of Prey" by Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba took a while for the story to become clear. A story of a woman who helps her mother find a thief. A good read if you like romance and mystery (and wine). It was different from the usual and grabbed my interest from the first page and never let go. A  well written plot that will keep you on your toes. The story contains mystery, deception and distrust as well as lust turned to growing affection and love. In what is becoming a common complaint of mine, some books are just too short. There was so much more story that could have and should have been told but the ending sets it up nicely for the second book.  This is the first book that I've read by Danielle and I'm looking forward to reading more.  She's a solid writer who has the skill to produce a full novel. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the nice review :) it was supposed to be a novella but I kept on writing :)
